星期三, 十月 25, 2006






与新文化运动截然不同,五四运动是一场由青年民粹主义者发起的民族自卫运动。这种爱国主义情绪和知识分子的改革愿望,早在19世纪末已经逐步显现。 1915年1月签订的“21条”,触发了中国民众严重的屈辱感,并酝酿出海外留学生的爱国激情。1918年1月凡尔赛秘密协定内幕,由英国记者驻北平记者莫理循在《泰晤士报》上曝光,中国民众惊讶地发现,德国在山东的权益,被政府无耻地转让给了日本,此举再度激怒了爱国青年,并成为点燃五四运动的话语导索。

显然,五四运动最初是捍卫国家主权的爱国行为,而后则在俄国革命和巴黎和会的双重影响下,演变成了更加广泛而汹涌的民族主义思潮。 它遵循的是自卫、收缩、排外和民族主体性原则。这种旧的保守原则,在五四中获得了一个新的面貌,为日后的文化孤立主义开辟了道路。








法国革命的多数人的暴力激进主义,在东方触发了多米诺骨牌效应,《马赛曲》出现了一个全新版本,由英国工人所谱写,并且点燃了俄国水兵的愤怒的炮火。 1917年革命爆发,沙皇全家遭到集体消灭,大批贵族、地主、富农和平民被枪决,而由布尔什维克领导的“红色叙事”,则成了一场富有全球启示性的话语演示。





星期二, 十月 24, 2006



● 童大焕

  2003年年末的最后几天里,我一直在纳闷,伊拉克的“民族英雄”、“反美斗士”、前总统萨达姆先生怎么那么快就对“美国鬼子”承认了自己在世界各国的银行里有400多亿美元的私产呢?他落入美军之手也不过半个月时间吧。 ( http://www.tecn.cn )

  这富可敌国的私人财富搜括自伊拉克的民脂民膏是毫无疑问的。但是作为伊拉克的天下都是他萨达姆的天下的小国之君,普天之下莫非王土,率土之兵,莫非王臣,他萨达姆先生又有什么不安心的,还要挖空心思地干一些卖国的勾当,将国有资产窃为己有,并且对着国人瞒天过海,将其悄悄转移国外呢? ( http://www.tecn.cn )

  虽然萨达姆在美国人面前嘴硬,说如果允许他回去参加总统选举,他还是一如既往地(100%)当选总统,云云。但此间普遍的国际舆论都认为,如果萨达姆交由伊拉克人来审判,则必死无疑。看来不管萨达姆怎样地在国内推行高压统治,人们的服从也并不是发自内心的。因此,萨达姆不惜卖国转移资产以给自己留后路,其实也算是颇有“自知之明”了。 ( http://www.tecn.cn )这么一来,我就想到了一个“腐败的层次”或曰“腐败的境界”问题。余光中有一散文名篇,叫做《借钱的境界》,其中的“最高境界”是“简直有一点天人之际的意味。善借者不是向私人,而是向国家借。借的藉口不再是一根胡萝卜,而是好几根烟囱。借的对象不再是一个人,而是千百万人。债主的人数等于人口的总数,反而不像欠任何人的钱了。至于怎么还法,甚至要不要还,岂是胡萝卜的境界所能了解的。此之谓‘大借若还’。” ( http://www.tecn.cn )

  同样的,腐败的第一境界与此有异曲同工之妙。腐败的借口可以是国家形象,可以是国家安全,也可以是为了什么什么高尚的目的,腐败的结果可以是无数的人当炮灰或饿殍,但都没有人说谁腐败,反而要感恩戴德地说,若没有大救星人民将要水深火热。 ( http://www.tecn.cn )

  这么说可能还不够清晰。因为上面这种腐败的特征第二第三境界里也有。第一境界的腐败确切地说是政治腐败经济腐败和文化腐败的高度合一,是物质控制和精神控制两根绳子合力拧成一股绞索将人的身体和精神双重捆绑,是政治资源高度垄断了经济资源和文化资源。通过政治控制人的一切生存条件,达到控制人的精神和意志的境界。社会没有政治自由,没有经济自由,也没有文化自由,除了表态文化,就是告密文化和恳求文化。这种腐败一定要伴随着计划经济来进行,即使暂时的计划也好,像希特勒他们的战时共产主义。通过物质的控制进而全面控制人的精神,颇有点邪什么什么的意味。现在的邪什么什么是过街老鼠,但20世纪中叶在不少国家里是国家行为,现在世界上只有少数几个小国寡民的“流氓政权”国度里还在苟延残喘。 ( http://www.tecn.cn )

  在这个境界里,腐败是以特权的方式存在着的。但那是为了“国家的需要”。可以专门建一个工厂为国家元首一个人生产雪茄,建N个工厂集中一切专家智慧不惜一切代价专门为一个人生产“主席用瓷”。你说他生活俭朴与百姓同甘苦不吃红烧肉吃的是芋头,但你也许不知那芋头却是千里迢迢派人专送的“荔浦芋头”,当年刘罗锅就说那芋头从广西专送到京城,一个芋头就值一锭银子!“一骑红尘妃子笑,无人知是荔枝来”,几颗荔枝,从福建到西安,三天内不到就坏了,知道中间要死多少马匹,耗多少银两? ( http://www.tecn.cn )

  这些都是小儿科。一个人撑死了也是一张床一张嘴。最可怕的是可以不经法律程序随意剥夺个人的财产和生命;领袖说为了民族的生存,必须实行侵略扩张主义,于是整个德国陷入万劫不复的深渊;领袖自己没有安全感每一个别墅都要修富丽堂皇的地宫,于是号召全民族都修地道或者防空洞,或者两三百万人口的国家修一百五十万座地堡――这些钱比一般的经济腐败如何?它们可全都是肉包子打狗――有去无回,耗尽了国力民财破坏了山川河流最后是国在山河破;领袖要是发扬一下革命的浪漫主义精神,来他一两个大跃进文革什么的,接踵而至的可能就是几千万饿殍……   ( http://www.tecn.cn )

  第二境界的腐败是经济获得了相对的自由,社会采取了市场经济的价值取向,但政治自由文化自由仍然不足,政府仍然通过行政审批和直接控制等手段控制着社会的绝大部分资源。于是,权贵资本主义盛行,“腐败型投资”和“审批型信息型腐败”成为这种腐败的最主要特征。“审批型信息型腐败”就是审批经济导致一大批信息官倒,所谓“腐败型投资”就是利用公共资源为官僚个人或小集团谋私利,为了个人升迁或捞取私利,这种投资往往极其慷慨,动辄让地方百姓和地方财政背上几十年债务而在所不惜,烂摊子留给后人,自己却异地升官发财。这就是我们通常说的“形象工程”、“政绩工程”,如最近刚刚披露的深圳四大工程腐败即是。每个工程都在亿、十几亿以上人民币。投资的理由冠冕堂皇,但真实的意图无一例外是官僚个人或小集团利益。这种腐败点多,面广,其危害比官僚个人的贪污受贿严重得多。这种腐败除了捞取升官的“政绩资本”以外,绝大多数都还兼带着直接的从工程中捞取经济利益。要想富,先修路;要想富,动干部;要想富,政绩工程别止步。 ( http://www.tecn.cn )

  要命的是,只要钱没有进入私人口袋,政绩工程形象工程的始作俑者一般不会受到任何党纪政纪处分,反而是异地升官节节高。但是这种危害,比起个人的贪污受贿来说,不知要大几百倍。 ( http://www.tecn.cn )

  第三境界的腐败就是一般的贪污受贿生活作风等问题。不必多写。这种腐败危害最轻,也最容易被发现,最容易成为众矢之的。所谓窃钩者诛窃国者侯,腐败也是层次越高越受到人们拥护,被腐败者耍了还帮着他们数钱。所以说腐败也有境界之别呢。  ( http://www.tecn.cn )

  孟德斯鳩在论罗马的兴衰时大意说过,当腐败和特权只局限于一个王族时,一切都还有救;但当腐败遍及每一级官僚时,一切便都无可挽回。这话有一定道理。但当我们从现实的历史来考察,就会发现,单纯的“王家的天下”并不比“众官僚的天下”腐败更轻,一个人的形象工程政绩工程,危害也丝毫不比无数人的形象工程政绩工程轻。倒是像希特勒式的腐败境界最高,最深得当时民众的拥护,危害也最大。而在人类历史上,萨达姆式的腐败,充其量在第一、第二境界之间。 ( http://www.tecn.cn )

  所以一国之腐败,首推政治腐败,其次是政治腐败和经济腐败的结合,再次才是经济腐败。所以当我看到网络上有“毛时代为什么没有腐败”的伪命题时,我只感到莫名的悲哀。 ( http://www.tecn.cn )

星期一, 十月 23, 2006

Advice to Authors of Extended Abstracts

William Pugh

Dept. of Computer Science and Institute for Advanced Computer Studies

Univ. of Maryland, College Park

This article stems from discussions among the program committee for SIGPLAN'91 PLDI. The program committee thought it might be useful to put together some advice for authors. To give some context to these suggestions, I've also provided a brief description of the process by which the conference papers were reviewed, partially from my perspective. This process is similar to the way most SIGPLAN conferences are run, although the details differ for each conference.

How the Papers Were Reviewed:

There were 169 extended abstracts submitted to the SIGPLAN '91 PLDI conference. At the request of the program committee chair, program committee members (and their graduate students) refrained from submitting any abstracts to the conference. This allowed us to avoid having to deal with direct conflict of interests.

Each program committee member was assigned 60 abstracts, based on his or her areas of expertise. Since all abstracts were sent to all committee members, members could review any abstracts they wished, so long as they reviewed at least the abstracts assigned to them. Program committee members could review the abstracts themselves or have others review them, although in most cases the program committee members at least briefly reviewed all the abstracts they were assigned, even if they had colleagues review some of them in detail for them.

I wasn't able to read any abstracts until after the semester ended in mid-December, and I allowed myself a week off from reading abstracts for Christmas. Thus, I had about four weeks to read the abstracts, and I couldn't spend much more than 20 hours a week reading them (due to limitations both on available time and the amount of reviewing I could do in a day before I suffered burnout). Since I read more abstracts than I was assigned, this came down to an average of one hour per abstract.

In reading an abstract, I had to try to understand the work presented, the significance of it, and possible problems with it. I spent at least 30-40 minutes on almost every abstract, sometimes coming back to an abstract several times. I spent over four hours each on several abstracts. In one case this was because the abstract looked interesting but was badly written; in another case, because the abstract dealt with a dense subject. In several cases, I spent several hours on a paper simply because I had expertise or interest in the topic described by the paper.

The program committee met for two days to discuss the submitted abstracts and choose those to be accepted. A preliminary numerical ranking provided by the reviews received in advance of the meeting helped structure our discussions. On each of several passes through all the submissions, some papers were eliminated from consideration, others were retained for further discussion and some were accepted. Finally, we had a total of 28 accepted papers.

What is an Extended Abstract?

An extended abstract is not simply a long abstract. An extended abstract should contain references, comparisons to related work, proofs of key theorems and other details expected in a research paper but not in an abstract.

An extended abstract is a research paper whose ideas and significance can be understood in less than an hour. Writing an extended abstract can be more demanding than writing a research paper.

Some things that can be omitted from an extended abstract: future work, details of proofs or implementation that should seem plausible to reviewers, ramifications not relevant to the key ideas of the abstract.

Some Issues Considered by the Committee:

  • Are there any major technical flaws in the abstract? In a few rare cases, reviewers found serious technical flaws in a submission.

  • Is the work a significant advance over previous work in the area, by the same authors or others? The abstract should give a clear description of the advantages offered by the new technique over previous techniques. Simply describing an interesting new way of doing something that could be done as simply and efficiently by previous techniques won't get an abstract accepted. The best abstracts gave a clear description of what their results allowed that couldn't be done previously and why that is significant. Examples and measurements are great for this.

    A related problem is not citing relevant work in the area. Don't rely on the program committee realizing that X's work in this area doesn't apply because you are considering a slightly different problem that renders X's methods unusable.

    If you have additional current papers on topics related to your submission (accepted by or submitted to other conferences or journals), be sure to discuss the contribution of your submission over that of your other papers.

  • If the work involves a specialized application, does it make a more general contribution? Some abstracts described interesting specialized applications. Much of the content of these abstracts involved descriptions of the context of the work or applying standard techniques in the new context. In some cases, it was unclear if the resulting paper would be useful to people not interested in the author's specific application.

    If you submit an extended abstract involving a specialized application, be sure the significant contributions of your work don't get lost in the details of your application.

  • Does the abstract offer an interesting perspective on a problem or describe experience that might be useful to others? Several committee members lamented that although several authors had built substantial systems, and tried several approaches to learn which ones worked and which ones didn't, the authors only wrote abstracts about narrow technical results related to their systems. Relevant comments about practical experiences attempting to apply new technologies can significantly increase the value of any paper.

  • Is the abstract well presented and understandable? We didn't reject any abstracts for being poorly presented. However, all other things being equal, the program committee was more enthusiastic about abstracts that were clear and well presented.

  • Is the abstract too long? There are many methods of trying to fit 20 pages of material into the 10 page limit on extended abstracts (reducing margins, using 9-point type on 10-point leading with double columns, etc.) They are all strongly discouraged. The page limit is to encourage authors to write abstracts that can be absorbed quickly, not to save trees, (although our request for double-sided copies of the abstracts did have this as its goal). No abstracts were rejected purely for reasons of length, but none of the accepted abstracts significantly violated the spirit of the 10 page limit; consider this a strong hint.

    Several program committee members stated that after reading 10 pages worth of material, they felt free to stop reading at any point if they were not truly excited by the paper.

    Don't let the page count limit prevent you from providing figures or examples that make the paper easier to understand. The page count limit should be considered an upper bound on the number of full pages of text, exclusive of figures and examples. One program committee member disagreed and thought that the page limit should be strictly adhered to, noting that if a picture is worth 1000 words, a picture is worth more than the 200 words it displaces.

    In exceptional cases, it may be appropriate to put additional material in an appendix that extends past the length limit. This is acceptable only if the extended abstract itself stands on its own without the additional material. Given their time limitations, most reviewers probably will ignore the appendix. Acceptable material for an appendix could include background material for committee members not familiar with the details of the research area and details of proofs and implementations omitted from the body of the abstract.

  • Does the abstract address the obvious questions raised by the research? For example, if an abstract claims to describe ``an efficient, practical algorithm'' for something, it should give empirical timings, asymptotic analysis or both. If the techniques described require solving a problem that is NP-Complete or undecidable in general, the abstract should discuss the difficultly of solving the problem. It may be that in practice the problems that arise in the author's application can be solved efficiently; but if the abstract doesn't discuss it, the program committee doesn't know if the author is even aware of the potential problem.

    The program committee was sympathetic about not expecting data that ought to have been very difficult to collect. However, the committee was disappointed in several instances by abstracts that failed to report data that ought to have been easy to collect and would have answered obvious questions about the work.

Final Comments for Authors:

  • An ideal submission should have a reviewer intrigued within the first 5 minutes of reading, excited within 15 minutes and satisfied within 45 minutes. If your abstract fails any of these tests, it might be rejected no matter how good the research is. Committee members may spend more than 30-45 minutes on your abstract, but you shouldn't rely on it.

    Before you submit an abstract, give it to a programming languages colleague who is not familiar with the details of your research or your research area and ask him or her how much they can get out of it in less than an hour.

  • Don't overlook the importance of the introduction, figures, examples, and conclusions (and measurements if applicable) in an extended abstract.

  • Remember that some program committee members, of necessity, are not experts in your area of research and that when they pick up your abstract they may have already reviewed 8 abstracts that day. Material that may take an expert in your area 5 minutes to go through might take some committee members 20 minutes or more.

  • There are some types of research that are difficult to publish in a conference simply due to the amount of time and effort that would be required for the program committee members to review the abstract properly. If you can't prepare an extended abstract of your work that can be digested and its significance understood in an hour, it may not be possible to accept your paper, no matter how good the described research. For some types of research (particularly research on new topics), it may be impossible to meet this standard, no matter how well you write. This is an unfortunate flaw in the system, and we have no remedy except to suggest that you submit your paper to a journal where more time can be taken to referee it properly.

  • Please remember that we cannot give as much attention to a submission as would be given to a journal submission, and we do make mistakes. If you get back comments that suggest the program committee misunderstood your abstract, you can use that information constructively. If the program committee misunderstood your work, other readers may misunderstand it as well.

  • This note has placed a lot of emphasis on the idea that an extended abstract need to be clearly written and easy to understand. Of course, whenever possible that standard should be applied to full papers as well.

  • For additional advice, read the excellent article by Mark Wegman that inspired this report: ``What it's like to be a POPL referee; or How to write an extended abstract so that it is more likely to be accepted,'' SIGPLAN Notices, Vol. 21, No. 5, May 1986, pages 91-95.

How to Write Journal Paper in Computer Networking

Sean Xiaojun Hei
* Reasons to Publish Journal Paper
* Overview of Journal Paper
* Structure of Journal Paper
* Linguistic Characteristics
o How to Create a Niche in the Introduction
o Tense and Voice
o Reference Citation
* Summary
* References
* About this document ...

Reasons to Publish Journal Paper

With the full emphasis upon research activities, postgraduate students ought to contribute in the research community to fulfill the requirements of the degree program. One of the most important way to contribute is to publish paper in research journals, especially in those best journals with the good reputation in the area. Ideas are cheap [1], and the only thing that counts is action. There are more important reasons than merely meeting the degree requirements in the University [1]. First, the writing process provides us with a chance to sit down and put our ideas and evidence on paper, so it is possible to refine them and even find any flaws in the arguments or methodology because the whole writing process forces us to think though our ideas more carefully and structure them more logically. Second, writing helps us revisit our ideas and theories and look at them again in a fresh, more impartial way, therefore, we have the opportunity to make improvements. Besides, the publishing procedure generally involves a refereeing process, which will probably result in feedback. Because the referee is most likely to be a respected leader in our research area, we have the chance to get free valuable advice on how we can improve our work. Last but not least, by publishing our work, we can boost our self-confidence and we can obtain satisfaction and recognition.

Getting published begins with the desire to do so, swiftly followed by action [1]. The actual research contribution is one of the deterministic factors whether a paper can be accepted by a journal. On the other hand, the published journal papers have their own characteristics in terms of language. In this essay, we aim to study the linguistic aspects when writing a journal paper in computer networking by the case study of six papers about a particular area ``Reliable Multicast'' from one of best journals in the area, IEEE/ACM Transaction on Networking.

Overview of Journal Paper

There are distinctions among a report, a thesis and a paper. A report simply relates facts in neutral fashion, while a thesis definitely seeks to draw conclusions and assert an evaluation of the material [3]. Computer Networking belongs to Engineering field, therefore, a report in the area also tends to provide a conclusion instead of a mere collection of fact. Generally, it presents in a more detailed way and has a much longer text. A thesis is written to convince supervisors that one has really done the work, so text space puts no constraint in the writing as long as it is necessary for the presentation. However, the journal editors care about space and footnotes because they have to cost the printers' bills [3], therefore, a journal paper has more submission requirements. Notes to Authors are the first reference for the journal paper publishing.

There are different types of journals even in the same academic area. Some may focus on theoretical aspects while others may be mainly about the application. In order to get the paper published in journals, targeting journals is the very first step.

In the following sections, with the case study for the papers in IEEE/ACM Transaction on Networking, we try to generalize some characteristics.
Structure of Journal Paper

There is a general movement for papers in IEEE/ACM Transaction on Networking, including the following sections: abstraction, introduction, authors' contribution, conclusion, appendix, acknowledgment, reference, authors' bibliography. Authors' contribution is the major part in the paper. It is likely that authors further divide the contribution section into several more sections, in parallel to introduction, related work, etc.. Even in the same research topic ``reliable multicast'', the writing style are very different. Anyway, the papers are written by different writers, therefore, it is natural to observe the heterogeneity. However, there are still common moves in this section. Normally, the system model is presented first, followed by the theoretical analysis. Then simulation study or the actually system implementation is carried out. Thereafter, the discussion or the comparison goes into the framework. Sometimes, the section of related work shows up in the paper as an individual part, in which the literature review is done. Also, the future work is presented in a separated section with much more details instead of the common brief description in the conclusion section at last. In the rest of this section, the writing for several sections is covered.

How to Create a Niche in the Introduction

There are typically three moves in research paper introductions [1]: establishing a research territory, establishing a niche and occupying the niche. The six papers in this study are of no exceptions. It is interesting to see that most papers create the niche by indicating a gap with the negative opening in a sentence. The connector however is commonly used to fulfill the task.

* ``The use of multiple multicast channel is expected ... However, in practice ... In this paper, we explore...'' [4].
* ``...(literature review)... However, latency is not considered.'' [5].
* ``Very little work was done on the analysis ... We give an analytical foundation ...'' [6].
* ``However, each packet loss will result in ... In this paper, we present two different mechanisms ...'' [7].
* ``FEC by itself cannot provide full reliability. However, when ... In this paper we study the effectiveness ...''[8].
* ``The weakness of ... This paper further evolves the principles ... for Scalable Reliable Multicast (SRM)'' [9].

I observed that many authors place the word in the initial position of a sentence; however, Ms. Susanna Ho suggested that it had better to be put in the middle of a sentence concerning the tone problem. By placing however at the beginning, authors seems to be introduce a great discovery or invention; however, it is not true most of the time.

Tense and Voice

It turns out that the present tense and active voice are most commonly used in the introduction section when authors present their work, which may be due to the fact that computer networking belongs to the engineering area, so that the researchers hope that their work appears to be true. However, if the literature review is included in the introduction part, the past tense, the present perfect tense and the present future tense are possible to show up due to the actual situation. Though passive voice is common when other researchers' work is referred, active voice is used most of time when authors are talking about their own work.

* ``In this paper, we examine an approach ... ''[4].
* ``CER and DER protocols with optimizations have been compared regarding ...'' [5].
* ``In the following, we will compare ...'' [5].
* ``We propose a new probabilistic feedback method ...'' [6].
* ``We further evaluate our mechanism...'' [6].
* ``Note that local recovery is a performance optimization, ...'' [7].
* ``We find that a layered approach makes more efficient use ...''[8].
* ``It has been argued that a single dynamically configurable protocol should be used ...'' [9].
* ``In 1990 Clark and Tennenhouse proposed ... '' [9].
* ``ALF was later elaborated with ... '' [9].

Reference Citation

Based on my observations, there are two types of citation ways for the reference, either implicit or explicit. Implicit citation occurs when a concept, a model or a algorithm, etc. is referred, while explicit citation often needs to point out the original presenter of the concept, etc. On the other hand, if the citations show up in an individual section "related work", it is more likely that the citation will be presented in an explicit way. Maybe paper authors would like to acknowledge the contribution in a more direct way.

* ``Reliable multicast could benefit from the use of forward error correction (FEC) [24] ''[4].
* ``Cheung et al. [5], McCanne [23] and Vicisano [32] have proposed to ... ''[4].
* ``Further, there are no conflicts with existing classifications [3], [4].'' [5].
* ``In [8], two types of hybrid ARQ are introduced: ...'' [5].
* ``Ammar has defined the feedback problem as response collection via several cost functions [16].'' [6].
* ``SRM [3] exploits heterogeneous delays for a deterministic suppression ...'' [6].
* ``This limits the scalability of SRM as network and group size increases [6], [7]. '' [7].
* ``Hofmann [23]-[25] proposed a "local group concept". '' [7].

John Swales [1] points out that at least two-thirds of all citing statements use the past tense, the present perfect tense or the present tense. The above examples also support the argument. Note that the past tense refers to single studies, the present perfect tense refers to the areas of inquiry and the present tense refers to the state of current knowledge. Besides, the former two tenses focus on what previous researchers did, while the latter one gives attentions to what has been found [1].


The essay summarizes the findings during the Lang503 study for the writing by the case study.


John M. Swales and Christine B. Feak, Academic writing for graduate students : essential tasks and skills : a course for nonnative speakers of English, Ann Arbor : University of Michigan Press, 1994.

Abby Day, How to get research published in journals , Aldershot, Hampshire, England : Gower, 1996.

Ralph Berry, How to write a research paper, Oxford, New York : Pergamon Press, 1986.

S. K. Kasera, G. Hjalmtusson, D. F. Towsley, and J. F. Kurose, ``Scalable reliable multicast using multiple multicast channels'', IEEE/ACM Trans. Networking, vol. 8, pp. 29

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How to Write Journal Paper in Computer Networking

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How to Write a Master's Thesis in Computer Science

How to Write a Master's Thesis in Computer Science

William D. Shoaff
Department of Computer Sciences
Florida Institute of Technology
Melbourne, Florida 32901

August 21, 2001


* Contents
* Introduction
* Skills You Will Need
* How to Write Your Program
o Write a Requirements Document
o Write Specification and Design Documents
o Write The Comments First
o Other Program Related Documentation
o Use a Program Document Formatter
* How To Write Your Paper
o Write a Thesis Proposal
o Write An Outline For Each Chapter
o Publish Your Results
* Collected Guidelines
* Rules and Regulations
* Bibliography


If you are about to embark on the task of developing a Master's thesis in Computer Science, then this document may be of interest to you. The scope of this document is very narrow and deals only with certain features of thesis development that are unique to the field of Computer Science. For more general information, you should consult sources such as Strunk and White's Elements of Style [3], Turabian's Student's Guide for Writing College Papers [4], and the University's guide to thesis preparation.

Before we get into the heart of the matter, you should ask yourself if you have the background and skills required to successfully complete a thesis in Computer Science. The next section lists some of the skills you will be expected to possess.

Skills You Will Need

While there are no hard and fast rules that guarantee you have the background and skills required to complete a thesis in Computer Science, there are some indicators. Here is a list of some of these indicators.

* A good grade point average. This indicates that you have basic academic skills. It is difficult to specify an exact cut-off, but a 3.2 on a 4.0 scale is a reasonable minimum.
* The ability to write in the English language. Practice writing. Effective communication is essential in all disciplines. If you need help, contact the Language Institute or English Department.
* The ability to express yourself orally. You will be asked to present lectures on your work at the Computer Science seminar.
* Mastery of the computer language in which you will develop your program. You should not look at your thesis work as an opportunity to learn how to program. You should be very familiar with the operating system you will use and system utilities such as editors, document formatters, debuggers, etc.
* The ability to work with others. You must be able to work with your thesis advisor, and you may need to work with other faculty and students as well.
* The ability to take direction. Your thesis advisor will give you guidance, but you must do the work.
* The ability to conduct literature surveys. You must insure that your work is current and relevant even though it may not be original or unique.
* The ability to integrate ideas from various areas. This is key to a thesis. Extracting items of interest from many sources and generating new information by integrating these items in new ways is the essence of writing a thesis.
* The ability to think independently. Your work must be your own. Your advisor will not tell you what to do at every step, but will only suggest a direction. The rest is up to you.
* The ability to perform when imprecise goals are set for you, that is, you must be self-directed.

Most theses in Computer Science consist of two distinct parts: (1) writing a significant program, and (2) writing a paper that describes your program and why you wrote it. The intent of this document is to guide you in how to do these two things. Of course, you will need to have taken certain courses, read certain books and journal articles, and otherwise perform some basic research before you begin writing your program or thesis. If your thesis does not involve writing a program, you can skip section 3.

How to Write Your Program

Presumably you have a thesis topic, and it is time to start developing a program that will implement or demonstrate your ideas about this topic. You have learned how to write programs in previous courses, but usually the program you will write for your thesis is more involved than other programs you have written. Thus, it is important to use good software engineering techniques.

Write a Requirements Document

The requirements document explains what your program is to do. Often the requirements will be quite vague. For example, ``the system must be fast,'' or ``the system must be user-friendly.'' You'll want to write a set of requirements that can serve as a contract specifying what is expected of your program. What's in a requirements document? Abstractly, the answer is very simple: a statement of valid input to the program and a statement of the corresponding output. Your software will operate on some data and derive computed data. The requirements document will clearly state what the input data and output data will be. The requirements document tells what your program will do from the user's perspective.

Write Specification and Design Documents

The specification document explains what the requirements are, but more precisely than the requirements document itself. It restates the requirements from the point of view of the developer. The specifications are explicitly and precisely stated. They are statements that you can design to and test for. Essentially, the specifications define a function from the set of all possible data input to the data output by your program.

The preliminary design document explains how you are going to fulfill the specifications. It is written before you write the program and should include a list of algorithms you will use, major data structures, a list of major functions, their inter-relationships, and the steps you will use to develop your program. Stepwise refinement and information hiding concepts should be used in developing the program, producing a detailed design document.

Write The Comments First

Understanding where and how to comment your code is important. Comments help you understand what is to be done. It is backwards to the write code and then try to explain what it does. Basic rules include giving pre- and post-conditions for selection and iteration statements, as well as blocks of sequential code. Additionally, loop invariants need to be developed for iteration statements. Data structures and their use also need to be explained.

Other Program Related Documentation

Additional documents are sometimes required for a program. These include a user's manual, a maintenance manual, and a test suite. Often these will appear as appendices in your thesis. The user's manual describes the user interface to your program. The maintenance manual describes how to change, augment, or port your program. The test suite offers some validation that your program will compute what was intended by describing test procedures and sample test inputs.

Write a User's Manual

Most likely others will use your program. Writing a good user's manual will facilitate the use of your program. The important thing is to write for the naive user. It is best to assume that users of your program will know nothing about computers or their interfaces. A clear, concise, step-by-step description of how one uses your program can be of great value not only to others, but to you as well. You can identify awkward or misleading commands, and by correcting these, develop a much more usable product. Start from your requirements document to remind yourself what your program does.

Write a Maintenance Manual

If your work has lasting benefit, someone will want to extend the functionality of your code. A well thought-out maintenance manual can assist in explaining your code. The maintenance manual grows from your specification, preliminary design, and detailed design documents. The manual shows how your program is decomposed into modules, specifies the interfaces between modules, and lists the major data structures and control structures. It should also specify the effective scope of changes to your code.

Write a Test Suite

How will you guarantee that your program meets its specifications? Formal verification is one ``proof'' technique, but it can be difficult to apply for large programs. You should be familiar with verification techniques and use them as you develop your code, but others are still going to want to see that your code gives expected results on a sample of test cases. Thus, you should develop a test suite that can be used to show your program works correctly under a variety of conditions by specifying testing procedures to be used and a variety of test cases to ``exercise'' the components of your program.

Use a Program Document Formatter

I believe in literate programming, that is, a program should be written to be read and understood by any person experienced in programming. The most basic method of facilitating human consumption of your program is to write good internal comments as discussed in § 3.3. Much more sophisticated methods exist; one of these is the WEB system developed by Don Knuth [1]. The original WEB system was written for Pascal, but WEB systems for other languages have been written, and there is even a program called spiderweb that can be used to generate a WEB system for any programming language [2,5].

Briefly, the benefits of using a WEB system are that it enables you to (1) develop your program logically, without the constraints imposed by the compiler, (2) provide for excellent program documentation and modularity, and (3) track variables and modules automatically. An index of variables and modules is produced containing pointers to where the variables and modules are defined and used. To learn more about such systems, you should refer to the cited literature.

How To Write Your Paper

Your thesis paper documents your work and can serve as a basis for a publishable paper. The most common mistake made by thesis students is to assume that the thesis itself will be easy to write. Consequently, they postpone writing until they have completed their programming. By the time they produce an acceptable copy, they find that a term or two of school has slipped by and they still have not graduated. Important advice is to start writing early and ask your thesis advisor for feedback on your writing. Equally important, do not plagiarize. Plagiarism can result in expulsion from school. You are expected to write your own paper, not copy from what someone else has written. It is okay to use other people's ideas, even their own words, but you must clearly reference their work. Your paper should describe what you did and why you did it.

Everyone makes spelling mistakes, but with spelling checker programs available this type of error should be eliminated. Always run your written work through a spelling checker before you ask someone else to read it. Also, you should find someone who can correct grammatical mistakes in your paper. If necessary, hire someone from the English Department or Language Institute to correct your work before you give it to your advisor.

Also, use a professional document preparation system, for example, LATEX, troff, or WordPerfect, which allows you to print your document on a laser printer. There is an F.I.T. thesis style file that has been developed for LATEX, which will produce correct margins and other formats, plus automatically handle many details in the preparation of your thesis.

Write a Thesis Proposal

You will begin writing your paper the first quarter you are enrolled for thesis credit. You will write a thesis proposal that evolves into your thesis. Writing a good proposal is an important first step to success. Proposals will differ, but there are certain things that can be expected to be found in every one. There needs to a statement of (1) the problem to be studied, (2) previous work on the problem, (3) the software requirements, (4) the goals of the study, (5) an outline of the proposed work with a set of milestones, and (6) a bibliography.

Write An Outline For Each Chapter

The top-down approach, which is recommended for program development, carries over to the development of your thesis paper. Here, you should begin with an outline of each chapter. Although it is difficult to specify what should be included in each chapter of a thesis, the following outline is fairly general.

\begin{outline}\item Chapter 1 -- Introduction. \begin{outline} \item A statem... .... \item Appendix D -- Source Code. \item Appendix E -- Test Suite. \end{outline}
Your finished thesis must include a title page, signature page, abstract, and bibliography. See the University guide to thesis preparation for details. Make sure you follow the margin and format requirements exactly.

Publish Your Results

You should be proud of your work and want others to know about it. One way to show that you have done quality work is to publish it in a journal or present it at a conference. Thus, you should write a short 5-10 page paper that concisely explains what you did and why it is new or important. This paper can then be submitted to appropriate conferences and journals. The research you have done should provide you with a list of conferences and journals to which you can submit your work.

Collected Guidelines

Below is a quick list of the guidelines that have been discussed in this document.

* How to write your program.

Write a requirements document that states the requirements your program must meet.
Write specification, preliminary design, and detailed design documents that precisely define what the requirements are and how your program will meet the requirements.
Write the comments first.
Build a scaffold, which can be removed, that supports the construction of your program.
Write a user's guide, maintenance manual, and test suite.
Use a program document formatter such as WEB.

* How to write your paper.

Enroll in XE 4022 Thesis Preparation.
Start writing early.
Do not plagiarize!
Write a proposal that includes a statement of the problem under study, the software requirements, an indication of how the problem will be solved, and a survey of related literature.
Use a spelling checker.
Have someone proofread your paper for grammatical errors.
Use a document formatter such as LATEX, troff, or WordPerfect.
Develop an outline for each chapter before you write it.
Write a short summary paper you can publish.

Rules and Regulations

There are several local requirements that you should be aware of so that you do not have unnecessary problems in completing your thesis. Many of these procedures or policies are described in other documents and will simply be summarized here.

* A thesis proposal must be written and approved in the first term you enroll for thesis credit.
* A thesis committee consisting of at least three faculty members, two in Computer Science and one in an outside department, must be selected during your second thesis term.
* Once enrolled for thesis credit, you must remain enrolled for thesis credit continuously until you complete your defense.
* You must present an overview of your thesis at a Computer Science Seminar prior to your defense.
* You must have your thesis approved by all committee members at least two weeks prior to your defense.
* You must verify to the Computer Science Department Chair that all committee members have agreed that you are prepared to defend your thesis.
* Two weeks prior to your defense, you must file an announcement of the defense with the Graduate School.
* If you successfully defend your thesis and complete all work on it within the first two weeks of a term, you are not required to register for that term.

If you simply follow the suggestions outlined and discussed in this paper, you will be well on your way to successfully completing the thesis requirements for attainment of a Master's Degree in Computer Science at the Florida Institute of Technology. Good luck!


D. E. KNUTH, Literate programming, The Computer Journal, 27 (1984), pp. 97-111.

N. RAMSEY, A spider's user's guide, tech. rep., Princeton University, 1989.

W. STRUNK JR. AND E. B. WHITE, The Elements of Style, MacMillan Publishing Company, 1979.

K. L. TURABIAN, A Manual for Writers of Term Papers, Theses, and Dissertations, The University of Chicago Press, 4th ed., 1973.

C. J. V. WYK AND N. RAMSEY, Literate programming -- weaving a language-independent web, Communications of the ACM, 32 (1989), pp. 1051-1055.

Florida Institute of Technology
Department of Computer Sciences
150 West University Boulevard,
Melbourne, FL 32901-6988
Tel. (321) 674-8763, Fax (321) 674-7046,
E-mail: www@cs.fit.edu

How To Write A Dissertation

How To Write A Dissertation
Bedtime Reading For People Who Do Not Have Time To Sleep
To The Candidate:

So, you are preparing to write a Ph.D. dissertation in an experimental area of Computer Science. Unless you have written many formal documents before, you are in for a surprise: it's difficult!

There are two possible paths to success:

o Planning Ahead.

Few take this path. The few who do leave the University so quickly that they are hardly noticed. If you want to make a lasting impression and have a long career as a graduate student, do not choose it.

o Perseverance.

All you really have to do is outlast your doctoral committee. The good news is that they are much older than you, so you can guess who will eventually expire first. The bad news is that they are more practiced at this game (after all, they persevered in the face of their doctoral committee, didn't they?).

Here are a few guidelines that may help you when you finally get serious about writing. The list goes on forever; you probably won't want to read it all at once. But, please read it before you write anything.

The General Idea:

1. A thesis is a hypothesis or conjecture.

2. A PhD dissertation is a lengthy, formal document that argues in defense of a particular thesis. (So many people use the term ``thesis'' to refer to the document that a current dictionary now includes it as the third meaning of ``thesis'').

3. Two important adjectives used to describe a dissertation are ``original'' and ``substantial.'' The research performed to support a thesis must be both, and the dissertation must show it to be so. In particular, a dissertation highlights original contributions.

4. The scientific method means starting with a hypothesis and then collecting evidence to support or deny it. Before one can write a dissertation defending a particular thesis, one must collect evidence that supports it. Thus, the most difficult aspect of writing a dissertation consists of organizing the evidence and associated discussions into a coherent form.

5. The essence of a dissertation is critical thinking, not experimental data. Analysis and concepts form the heart of the work.

6. A dissertation concentrates on principles: it states the lessons learned, and not merely the facts behind them.

7. In general, every statement in a dissertation must be supported either by a reference to published scientific literature or by original work. Moreover, a dissertation does not repeat the details of critical thinking and analysis found in published sources; it uses the results as fact and refers the reader to the source for further details.

8. Each sentence in a dissertation must be complete and correct in a grammatical sense. Moreover, a dissertation must satisfy the stringent rules of formal grammar (e.g., no contractions, no colloquialisms, no slurs, no undefined technical jargon, no hidden jokes, and no slang, even when such terms or phrases are in common use in the spoken language). Indeed, the writing in a dissertaton must be crystal clear. Shades of meaning matter; the terminology and prose must make fine distinctions. The words must convey exactly the meaning intended, nothing more and nothing less.

9. Each statement in a dissertation must be correct and defensible in a logical and scientific sense. Moreover, the discussions in a dissertation must satisfy the most stringent rules of logic applied to mathematics and science.

What One Should Learn From The Exercise:

1. All scientists need to communicate discoveries; the PhD dissertation provides training for communication with other scientists.

2. Writing a dissertation requires a student to think deeply, to organize technical discussion, to muster arguments that will convince other scientists, and to follow rules for rigorous, formal presentation of the arguments and discussion.

A Rule Of Thumb:

Good writing is essential in a dissertation. However, good writing cannot compensate for a paucity of ideas or concepts. Quite the contrary, a clear presentation always exposes weaknesses.

Definitions And Terminology:

1. Each technical term used in a dissertation must be defined either by a reference to a previously published definition (for standard terms with their usual meaning) or by a precise, unambiguous definition that appears before the term is used (for a new term or a standard term used in an unusual way).

2. Each term should be used in one and only one way throughout the dissertation.

3. The easiest way to avoid a long series of definitions is to include a statement: ``the terminology used throughout this document follows that given in [CITATION].'' Then, only define exceptions.

4. The introductory chapter can give the intuition (i.e., informal definitions) of terms provided they are defined more precisely later.

Terms And Phrases To Avoid:

* adverbs
Mostly, they are very often overly used. Use strong words instead. For example, one could say, ``Writers abuse adverbs.''
* jokes or puns
They have no place in a formal document.
* ``bad'', ``good'', ``nice'', ``terrible'', ``stupid''
A scientific dissertation does not make moral judgements. Use ``incorrect/correct'' to refer to factual correctness or errors. Use precise words or phrases to assess quality (e.g., ``method A requires less computation than method B''). In general, one should avoid all qualitative judgements.
* ``true'', ``pure'',
In the sense of ``good'' (it is judgemental).
* ``perfect''
Nothing is.
* ``an ideal solution''
You're judging again.
* ``today'', ``modern times''
Today is tomorrow's yesterday.
* ``soon''
How soon? Later tonight? Next decade?
* ``we were surprised to learn...''
Even if you were, so what?
* ``seems'', ``seemingly'',
It doesn't matter how something appears;
* ``would seem to show''
all that matters are the facts.
* ``in terms of''
usually vague
* ``based on'', ``X-based'', ``as the basis of''
careful; can be vague
* ``different''
Does not mean ``various''; different than what?
* ``in light of''
* ``lots of''
vague & colloquial
* ``kind of''
vague & colloquial
* ``type of''
vague & colloquial
* ``something like''
vague & colloquial
* ``just about''
vague & colloquial
* ``number of''
vague; do you mean ``some'', ``many'', or ``most''? A quantative statement is preferable.
* ``due to''
* ``probably''
only if you know the statistical probability (if you do, state it quantatively
* ``obviously, clearly''
be careful: obvious/clear to everyone?
* ``simple''
Can have a negative connotation, as in ``simpleton''
* ``along with''
Just use ``with''
* ``actually, really''
define terms precisely to eliminate the need to clarify
* ``the fact that''
makes it a meta-sentence; rephrase
* ``this'', ``that''
As in ``This causes concern.'' Reason: ``this'' can refer to the subject of the previous sentence, the entire previous sentence, the entire previous paragraph, the entire previous section, etc. More important, it can be interpreted in the concrete sense or in the meta-sense. For example, in: ``X does Y. This means ...'' the reader can assume ``this'' refers to Y or to the fact that X does it. Even when restricted (e.g., ``this computation...''), the phrase is weak and often ambiguous.
* ``You will read about...''
The second person has no place in a formal dissertation.
* ``I will describe...''
The first person has no place in a formal dissertation. If self-reference is essential, phrase it as ``Section 10 describes...''
* ``we'' as in ``we see that''
A trap to avoid. Reason: almost any sentence can be written to begin with ``we'' because ``we'' can refer to: the reader and author, the author and advisor, the author and research team, experimental computer scientists, the entire computer science community, the science community, or some other unspecified group.
* ``Hopefully, the program...''
Computer programs don't hope, not unless they implement AI systems. By the way, if you are writing an AI thesis, talk to someone else: AI people have their own system of rules.
* ``...a famous researcher...''
It doesn't matter who said it or who did it. In fact, such statements prejudice the reader.
* Be Careful When Using ``few, most, all, any, every''.
A dissertation is precise. If a sentence says ``Most computer systems contain X'', you must be able to defend it. Are you sure you really know the facts? How many computers were built and sold yesterday?
* ``must'', ``always''
* ``should''
Who says so?
* ``proof'', ``prove''
Would a mathematician agree that it's a proof?
* ``show''
Used in the sense of ``prove''. To ``show'' something, you need to provide a formal proof.
* ``can/may''
Your mother probably told you the difference.


Use active constructions. For example, say ``the operating system starts the device'' instead of ``the device is started by the operating system.''


Write in the present tense. For example, say ``The system writes a page to the disk and then uses the frame...'' instead of ``The system will use the frame after it wrote the page to disk...''

Define Negation Early:

Example: say ``no data block waits on the output queue'' instead of ``a data block awaiting output is not on the queue.''

Grammar And Logic:

Be careful that the subject of each sentence really does what the verb says it does. Saying ``Programs must make procedure calls using the X instruction'' is not the same as saying ``Programs must use the X instruction when they call a procedure.'' In fact, the first is patently false! Another example: ``RPC requires programs to transmit large packets'' is not the same as ``RPC requires a mechanism that allows programs to transmit large packets.''

All computer scientists should know the rules of logic. Unfortunately the rules are more difficult to follow when the language of discourse is English instead of mathematical symbols. For example, the sentence ``There is a compiler that translates the N languages by...'' means a single compiler exists that handles all the languages, while the sentence ``For each of the N languages, there is a compiler that translates...'' means that there may be 1 compiler, 2 compilers, or N compilers. When written using mathematical symbols, the difference are obvious because ``for all'' and ``there exists'' are reversed.

Focus On Results And Not The People/Circumstances In Which They Were Obtained:

``After working eight hours in the lab that night, we realized...'' has no place in the dissertation. It doesn't matter when you realized it or how long you worked to obtain the answer. Another example: ``Jim and I arrived at the numbers shown in Table 3 by measuring...'' Put an acknowledgement to Jim in the dissertation, but do not include names (even your own) in the main body. You may be tempted to document a long series of experiments that produced nothing or a coincidence that resulted in success. Avoid it completely. In particular, do not document seemingly mystical influences (e.g., ``if that cat had not crawled through the hole in the floor, we might not have discovered the power supply error indicator on the network bridge''). Never attribute such events to mystical causes or imply that strange forces may have affected your results. Summary: stick to the plain facts. Describe the results without dwelling on your reactions or events that helped you achieve them.

Avoid Self-Assessment (both praise and criticism):

Both of the following examples are incorrect: ``The method outlined in Section 2 represents a major breakthrough in the design of distributed systems because...'' ``Although the technique in the next section is not earthshaking,...''

References To Extant Work:

One always cites papers, not authors. Thus, one uses a singular verb to refer to a paper even though it has multiple authors. For example ``Johnson and Smith [J&S90] reports that...''

Avoid the phrase ``the authors claim that X''. The use of ``claim'' casts doubt on ``X'' because it references the authors' thoughts instead of the facts. If you agree ``X'' is correct, simply state ``X'' followed by a reference. If one absolutely must reference a paper instead of a result, say ``the paper states that...'' or ``Johnson and Smith [J&S 90] presents evidence that...''.

Concept Vs. Instance:

A reader can become confused when a concept and an instance of it are blurred. Common examples include: an algorithm and a particular program that implements it, a programming language and a compiler, a general abstraction and its particular implementation in a computer system, a data structure and a particular instance of it in memory.

Terminology For Concepts And Abstractions

When defining the terminology for a concept, be careful to decide precisely how the idea translates to an implementation. Consider the following discussion:

VM systems include a concept known as an address space. The system dynamically creates an address space when a program needs one, and destroys an address space when the program that created the space has finished using it. A VM system uses a small, finite number to identify each address space. Conceptually, one understands that each new address space should have a new identifier. However, if a VM system executes so long that it exhausts all possible address space identifiers, it must reuse a number.

The important point is that the discussion only makes sense because it defines ``address space'' independently from ``address space identifier''. If one expects to discuss the differences between a concept and its implementation, the definitions must allow such a distinction.

Knowledge Vs. Data

The facts that result from an experiment are called ``data''. The term ``knowledge'' implies that the facts have been analyzed, condensed, or combined with facts from other experiments to produce useful information.

Cause and Effect:

A dissertation must carefully separate cause-effect relationships from simple statistical correlations. For example, even if all computer programs written in Professor X's lab require more memory than the computer programs written in Professor Y's lab, it may not have anything to do with the professors or the lab or the programmers (e.g., maybe the people working in professor X's lab are working on applications that require more memory than the applications in professor Y's lab).

Drawing Only Warranted Conclusions:

One must be careful to only draw conclusions that the evidence supports. For example, if programs run much slower on computer A than on computer B, one cannot conclude that the processor in A is slower than the processor in B unless one has ruled out all differences in the computers' operating systems, input or output devices, memory size, memory cache, or internal bus bandwidth. In fact, one must still refrain from judgement unless one has the results from a controlled experiment (e.g., running a set of several programs many times, each when the computer is otherwise idle). Even if the cause of some phenomenon seems obvious, one cannot draw a conclusion without solid, supporting evidence.

Commerce and Science:

In a scientific dissertation, one never draws conclusions about the economic viability or commercial success of an idea/method, nor does one speculate about the history of development or origins of an idea. A scientist must remain objective about the merits of an idea independent of its commercial popularity. In particular, a scientist never assumes that commercial success is a valid measure of merit (many popular products are neither well-designed nor well-engineered). Thus, statements such as ``over four hundred vendors make products using technique Y'' are irrelevant in a dissertation.

Politics And Science:

A scientist avoids all political influence when assessing ideas. Obviously, it should not matter whether government bodies, political parties, religious groups, or other organizations endorse an idea. More important and often overlooked, it does not matter whether an idea originated with a scientist who has already won a Nobel prize or a first-year graduate student. One must assess the idea independent of the source.

Canonical Organization:

In general, every dissertation must define the problem that motivated the research, tell why that problem is important, tell what others have done, describe the new contribution, document the experiments that validate the contribution, and draw conclusions. There is no canonical organization for a dissertation; each is unique. However, novices writing a dissertation in the experimental areas of CS may find the following example a good starting point:

Chapter 1: Introduction
An overview of the problem; why it is important; a summary of extant work and a statement of your hypothesis or specific question to be explored. Make it readable by anyone.
Chapter 2: Definitions
New terms only. Make the definitions precise, concise, and unambiguous.
Chapter 3: Conceptual Model
Describe the central concept underlying your work. Make it a ``theme'' that ties together all your arguments. It should provide an answer to the question posed in the introduction at a conceptual level. If necessary, add another chapter to give additional reasoning about the problem or its solution.
Chapter 4: Experimental Measurements
Describe the results of experiments that provide evidence in support of your thesis. Usually experiments either emphasize proof-of-concept (demonstrating the viability of a method/technique) or efficiency (demonstrating that a method/technique provides better performance than those that exist).
Chapter 5: Corollaries And Consequences
Describe variations, extensions, or other applications of the central idea.
Chapter 6: Conclusions
Summarize what was learned and how it can be applied. Mention the possibilities for future research.
A short (few paragraphs) summary of the the dissertation. Describe the problem and the research approach. Emphasize the original contributions.

Suggested Order For Writing:

The easiest way to build a dissertation is inside-out. Begin by writing the chapters that describe your research (3, 4, and 5 in the above outline). Collect terms as they arise and keep a definition for each. Define each technical term, even if you use it in a conventional manner.

Organize the definitions into a separate chapter. Make the definitions precise and formal. Review later chapters to verify that each use of a technical term adheres to its definition. After reading the middle chapters to verify terminology, write the conclusions. Write the introduction next. Finally, complete an abstract.

Key To Success:

By the way, there is a key to success: practice. No one ever learned to write by reading essays like this. Instead, you need to practice, practice, practice. Every day.

Parting thoughts:

We leave you with the following ideas to mull over. If they don't mean anything to you now, revisit them after you finish wirting a dissertation.

After great pain, a formal feeling comes.
-- Emily Dickinson

A man may write at any time, if he will set himself doggedly to it.
-- Samuel Johnson

Keep right on to the end of the road.
-- Harry Lauder

The average Ph.D. thesis is nothing but the transference of bones from one graveyard to another.
-- Frank J. Dobie

星期日, 十月 22, 2006


1.Describe your greatest achievement in the past 4-5 years?
2. What are your short & long term career objectives? What do you think is

  the most ideal job for you?

  3. Why do you want to join IBM? What do you think you can contribute to


  Hongkong Bank 代表性考题

  1. Please state why you chose to follow these activities and how they have

  contributed to your personal development. You may wish to give details of

  your role whether anyone else was involved and any difficulties you


  2. Please state how you have benefited from your work experience.

  3. How much is your present monthly salary including allowances.

  4. Do you need to compensate your present employer if you resign? If so,

  please give details.

  5. Other than academic success, what has been your greatest achievement to

  date? What do you see as your personal strength, why?

  6.Please state why the position you have applied for is appropriate for

  you; Why you have selected HongKong Bank and what your career objectives



  1.Describe an instance where you set your sights on a high demanding goal

  and saw it through completion?

  2.Summerize a situation where you took the initiative to get others going

  on an important task or issue, and played a leading role to achieve the

  results you wanted.

  3. Describe a situation where you had to seek out a relevant information,

  define key issues, and decide on which steps to take to get the desired


  4. Describe an instance where you made effective use of facts to secure the

  agreement of others.

  5. Give an example of how you worked effectively with people to accomplish

  an important result.

  6.Desribe a creative/innovative idea that you produced which led to a

  significant contribution to the success of an activity or project.

  7.Provide an example of how you assessed a situation and achieved good

  results by focusing on the most important priorities.

  8.Provide an example of how you acquired technical skills and converted

  them to practical application.

  A.T. keaney代表性考题

  1.Describe your greatest achievement in the past 4-5 years?

  2.What are your short-term and long-term career objectives? What do you

  think is the most ideal job for you?

  3.Why do you want to join A.T kearney? What do you think you can contribute

  to A.T kearney?

  4.Why are you applying for a position at Arthur Anderson?

  5. What are your expectations of our firm.

  6. Describe your hobbies and interests.

  Shell company代表性考题

  1.How wold your colleagues /classmates describe you in five words? On what

  evidence would they base this assessment.

  2.If you are asked to recruit the best graduates for shell, what would you

  do to attract them? What would you do to select them?

  3.Please describe a new activity that you have initiated and implemented.

  Please highlight your role out.

  4. Please describe your outstanding non-academic achievements.

  5.Please describe any other significant activities you have been involved

  in including organizing people.

  6. Imagine that Shell has found oil in an inland province of China, near a

  large river. You are responsible for planning how to transport the oil to

  the coast thousands of miles away. What are the main issue you would

  consider, and what would you do?


  1.Please tell us about an achievement that you are especially proud of

  because it was difficult or demanding.

  a) What the objective was?

  b) Why it is important to you?

  c) How you achieved it and the obstacles that you had to overcome in order

  to do so?

  2. What is your career plan? Three years after graduation, and five years

  after graduation?

  3. Why are you interested in investment bank? What other industries do you

  also have interests?

  4. Why do you think you can be a qualified investment banker? How can you

  contribute in this industry?





  2、F(n)=1 n>8 n<12

  F(n)=2 n<2

  F(n)=3 n=6

  F(n)=4 n=other

  使用+ - * /和sign(n)函数组合出F(n)函数

  sign(n)=0 n=0

  sign(n)=-1 n<0

  sign(n)=1 n>0









  ;绿色房屋的屋主喝咖啡;抽Pall Mall香烟的屋主养鸟;黄色屋主抽Dunhill;位于最中间


  在抽Dunhill的人家的隔壁。抽Blue Master的屋主喝啤酒;德国人抽Prince;挪威人住在



   五个人来自不同地方,住不同房子,养不同动物,吸不同牌子香烟,喝不同饮料,喜














  test 1


  test 2





  test 3






   填空部分是一些时世题,如:我国有多少网民,三个代表、北京申奥什么的。 还



   选择题范围与填空基本一样,包括时政和新闻知识:如深度采访的实质,记者的职


   简答题就比较专业了。一道是你参加一条高速公路的开通典礼,如何在记者会上发





   写作题是以“今年冬天不太冷”为题任意想象,加叙加议。

   还有五道智力测验:如何喝道啤酒杯底部的啤酒、汽车过隧道但高2厘米该怎么办





  "The big economic difference between nuclear and fossil-fuelled power

  stations is that nuclear reactors are more expensive to build and

  decommission, but cheaper to sun. So disputes over the relative efficiency

  of the two systems revolve not just around prices of coal and uranium today

  and tomorrow, but also around the way in which future income should be

  compared with current income."

  1. The main difference between nuclear and fossil-fuelled power stations is

  an economic one.




  2. The price of coal is not relevant to discussions about the relative

  efficiency of nuclear reactors.




  3. If nuclear reactors were cheaper to build and decommission than

  fossil-fuelled power stations, they would definitely have the economic





  "At any given moment we are being bombarded by physical and psychological

  stimuli competing for our attention. Although our eyes are capable of

  handling more than 5 million bits of data per second, our brain are capable

  of interpreting only about 500 bits per second. With similar disparities

  between each of the other senses and the brain, it is easy to see that we

  must select the visual, auditory, or tactile stimuli that we wish to

  compute at any specific time."

  4.Physical stimuli usually win in the competition for our attention.




  5. The capacity of the human brain is sufficient to interpret nearly all

  the stimuli the senses can register under optimum conditions.




  6. Eyes are able to cope with a greater input of information than ears.







  3. A TRUE





  1. Which country had the highest number of people aged 60 or over at the

  start of 1985?

  A. UK

  B. France

  C. Italy

  D. W.Germany

  E. Spain

  2. What percentage of the total 15mm button production was classed as

  sub-standard in September?

  AA 10.5% BB 13% CC 15% DD 17.5% EE 20% AB 23.5% AC 25%

  AD 27.5% AE 28% BC 30.5%

  3. How many live births occurred in 1985 in Spain and Italy together (to

  the nearest 1000)?

  A. 104,000

  B. 840,000

  C. 1,044,000

  D. 8,400,000

  E. 10,440,000

  4. What was the net effect on the UK population of the live birth and death

  rates in 1985?

  A.Decrease of 66,700

  B.Increase of 752,780

  C.Increase of 84,900

  D.Cannot Say

  E.Increase of 85,270

  5. By how much did the total sales value of November‘s button production

  vary from October‘s?





  E.No change

  6. What was the loss in potential sales revenue attributable to the

  production of sub-standard (as opposed to standard) buttons over the 6

  month period?








  1:Population Structure 1985


  population at start of years(millions)

  live bitrhs per 1000 population(jan-dec)

  deaths per 1000 population(jan-dec)

  %of population at start of year aged:under15

  %of population at start of year aged:60 or over

  UK 56.6 13.3 11.8 19 21

  France 55.2 13.9 10.0 21 19

  Italy 57.1 1.1 9.5 19 19

  W.Germany 61.0 9.6 11.5 15 20

  Spain 38.6 12.1 7.7 23 17

  2:production of 15mm buttons,july-dec

  total(standard and sub-standard) production(in thousands)

  standard production(in thousands)

  july 70 60

  aug 60 55

  sept 85 65

  oct 100 80

  nov 95 85

  dec 100 90

  sale price: standard: $5.7 per 100

  sub-stand:$2.85 per 100


  1. D W. Germany

  2. AB 23.5%

  3. C 1,044,000

  4. B Increase of 84,900

  5. E No change

  6. C 137.50



  1. 三个float:a,b,c 问值



  2. 把一个链表反向填空

  3. 设计一个重采样系统,说明如何anti-alias

  4. y1(n)=x(2n), y2(n)=x(n/2),问:





  5. 如果模拟信号的带宽为5KHZ,要用8K的采样率,怎么办。

  4. 某个程序在一个嵌入式系统(200M的CPU,50M的SDRAM)中已经最化了,换到另一个系统


  5. x^4+a*x^3+x^2+c*x+d最少需要作几次乘法

  6. 什么情况下,sin(x+y)+y ~ ....

  7. 下面哪种排序法对12354最快

  a quick sort

  b.buble sort

  c.merge sort

  8. 哪种结构,平均来讲,获取一个值最快

  a. binary tree

  b. hash table

  c. stack


  1.Based on your understanding of the following java related technologies:

  servlets,JavaServerPage,JavaBeans,Enterprise JavaBeans, how do you think

  these technologies are work together or are applied in the development of

  an internet-based application(25marks)

  2.In your opinion ,what do you think are the advantages or benefitsof using

  an object-oriented approach to software development? how do you think those

  benefits can be achieved or realized?(15marks)

  3.In designing your classes, given the choice between inheritance and

  aggregation which do you choose(15marks)

  4.How would you work around the lack of multiple inheritance feature in


  5.What would you consider to be the hardest part of OO analysis and design

  and why(10marks)

  6.How do you keep yourself up to date with the latest in software

  techonogy, especially in the field of software development(10marks)

  7.What si your career aspiration? Why do you think this E-Commerce

  Development Center can help you in achieving your career goals(10marks)

  (1hr, answer in English)













  Q2:请你详细的解释一下IP协议的定义,在哪个层上面,主要有什么作用? TCP与UDP呢






























2006年3月8日 上午 08:29:00
发表者: 王忻,Google 工程师

去年 10 月,我跟开复去南京大学做演讲谈 Google 的技术,讲座结束之后,有一位女同学提了个问题让我很惊讶。

她说: "我是学计算机软件的,蛮喜欢的。但是女生学这行不太好吧?你看我该不该找个时机改行?"

我问: "你为什么会觉得女生不适合学软件?"

"女生三十岁以后, 体力和智力下降, 会跟不上男同事。"

这是我第一次听到如此具体的性别歧视,挺吃惊。做为一位女性软件工程师, 我平时难免听到了一些对于女性做工程师和对女性能力的疑问,我觉得这些话最大的危险是影响到人的自信。

我在北京出生,五岁时我父母到美国留学,于是把我也带了去。 我父亲是数学博士,母亲从小就用心辅导我,所以我小时候数学特别好。十岁的时候我就开始在附近的大学选微积分课, 随后又跳了三级,十五岁进入了加州理工大学 (California Institute of Technology)。现在说起来简单,但当时我的经历经常遭到别人的反对,说我年龄太小、学不好之类的话,或者说女性不适合学计算机。我当时觉得这些话大都很可笑,没有在意,当然也要特别感谢我父母没拿它当回事。后来我顺利的完成了所有的学业,用事实证明了我走的路,那些所谓的“预言”也就不攻自破了。

后来我在美国另一家大软件公司做了五年的工程师, 随后来 Google ,在这里已经工作了两年半。 在 Google, 我第一次有了很多杰出的女性榜样。我们公司有六位女性副总裁, 两位女性董事会成员,当然还有许多女性工程师总监、女性工程师等等...... 目前我的老板 (manager) 就是一位女性主管经理。她是我的第一个女老板,我从她身上学了很多女性擅长的本领,比如如何让别人采取你的观点,同时又不伤害他们的感情等等(她也是中国人)。

Google 意识到女性员工在很多问题上可以给公司一些新的视角。 创始人 Larry Page 去年对我们的人事部门订了要求,要求新招的软件工程师里应该有 25% 是女性,当然这是不能以降低录取标准为前提的。所以我们下了更多功夫去寻找女工程师,邀请她们来面试。 这可不是口头说说而已 – Larry 专门调了三分之一的人事部员工去招聘女工程师。结果去年我们的女工程师比例在 6 个月内由 13 %上升到 19 %。 Google 每几个月还会邀请中学和小学朋友来参观公司、与员工谈话,对于其中的女孩子,Google 一直鼓励她们要好好学习科学和电脑。

Google 还要求在我们应聘面试的过程中至少要有一名女性面试官,如果申请者被发现有性别歧视,那不管这个人有多聪明也不会被录取。我曾经有过这方面的亲身经历。两年前,我和一位男同事共同面试一个男性应聘者。当时我考了他一道难题,但那位应聘者回答时,只对我的男同事讲话, 几乎不睬理我。45 分钟的面试中,我感觉越来越不舒服。事后,我把我的顾虑写进了面试反馈。另一位女性面试官也表示了同感。结果,虽然这位应聘者其它方面都表现的很好,他还是被拒绝了录取。

其实从很多细节上可以看出 Google 对女性员工的重视。软件公司庆祝业绩时,常常会发 T 恤,Google 也不例外。别的公司因为男员工比较多,常常只订男尺寸,造成我家里存了很多大的只能当睡衣的 T 恤。但是 Google 每次总会订女生的大、中、小号。每个小组庆祝阶段性成果的时候,也会挑男女员工都喜欢的活动,比如听现场相声等,而不仅仅是看跑车赛或棒球。

我虽然在 Google 很幸运有许多优秀的女性软件工程师和同事, 但有时侯会觉得也许其它公司的女性没有公司这样支持她们。我想利用这个机会鼓励国内和海外的女性软件工程师,相信自己,让那些对女性的怀疑消失!


在 Party 上的三位 Google 女工程师和公司高级工程副总裁 Alan Eustace
从左到右:王忻 (作者),Maureen, 郑韶敏, Alan Eustace


2006年6月14日 上午 10:15:00
发表者:王忻,Google 工程师

最近三年作为 Google(谷歌)的软件工程师,我每周会帮人事部门审查简历,决定要不要给他们面试。Google 这几年的发展让很多许多优秀的工程师都前来申请。到目前为止,我已经看了上千份简历,有些简历留下的印象比别的好很多。尤其是最近亲戚朋友常常问我如何修改他们的简历,所以我积累了一些常见的错误避免的提议,在此跟大家交流一下。



• 在三人小组里,为电子邮件软件写了些 features。


• 用 C++ 语言写了网络电子邮件的自动 backups。在三人小组里,专门负责设计和写储存服务器。从设计开始, 一年后把这个功能 feature 的用户推到了三千。

2.多讲事实, 少用形容词。

看简历的人读你的简历时,需要做判断,所以在简历里需要事实和数目。如果你写“迅速的提高了软件的操作效率”,看简历的人很难判断你成就的难度。但如果你写“在3个星期内,把软件的操作效率提高了40%” 就好多了。



我有位朋友在硅谷一个著名的硬件公司做了六年,她设计的 IP phone(网络电话)为公司赚了上亿的收入,被公司与商业报道多次评了奖。我有一次在旧金山的高速公路上驾车时,看到路边有她产品的广告牌;还有一次我去上海度假时,竟然发现上海公路边上也有!

不久,这位朋友决定换工作,请我看看她的简历。我惊讶的发现,她居然轻描淡写的写了一句-- "1998 – 2004:网络电话产品的硬件工程师组长" 和她的职责。

"产品赢的奖呢?它为公司赚的钱呢?" 我追问到。

"那些也该写吗?" 她说。





* 改善电子游戏的数值分类算法, 减少了内存要求 10%。
* 用 Java 写了 3000 行用户界面程序。
* 每周做两小时的人工测试。


写一份简历不容易,但写好了也会带来成就感 (和好工作!)。 Google (谷歌)在中国广召各方面的人才,你不妨可以给我们投个简历!我们不但在信息检索方面招雇工程师,还有计算机图形、用户界面、硬件、Windows、质量保证员和系统管理员等方面。更多信息,请您访问这里。



2006年10月13日 上午 09:33:00
发表者:王忻,Google 工程师

(作者简介: 王忻,Google 工程师。北京出生,五岁时跟随父母移居美国。中学期间跳了三级,十五岁进入了加州理工大学,加入 Google 前曾在微软等公司工作。)

六月份的时候,我曾经在黑板报上介绍过“如何写一份好的工程师简历”, 今天想跟大家来谈谈如何准备软件工程师的面试?假设,现在您的杀手简历 (killer resume)已经吸引了某大公司的注意并约你面试。那么接下来该如何准备呢?

我在 Google(以前是微软)工作期间面试了不下 300人,其中某些应聘者确实表现非凡,但有些却显得准备不足。当然许多面试准备不足的人最后依然获得了录用通知,因为他们本身确实才华出众。但如果应聘者能提前准备妥当,那么面试过程将更为保险和轻松。以下所列出的就是我根据多年经验总结得出的建议:


Google 和微软都会让应聘者在白板上手工解答编程问题,但通常大部分的应聘者都是习惯于在电脑上利用编程工具系统编写程序。因此面试的时候,某些应聘者离开了熟悉的电脑光标,站在白板前感觉手足无措不知该如何起行。又或者他们不习惯在编程之时旁边有人观看,这会让他们感到紧张而无法正常思考。











这似乎是不用说的问题,但在面试过程中我确实碰到过影响很不好的失礼行为。曾有一位前来应聘软件工程师的人看到我就说:“哇,我真不敢相信你这么年轻!你看上去好小!!我觉得你才 18 岁!”



在我的另外一次面试中,应聘者的手机在面试开始 15 分钟之后就响了,她没有理会,手机连续响了 20 秒,这样不免会对面试造成影响。5 分钟之后,她的手机又响了,她依然没有理会;5分钟之后,手机第三次响起。最后她终于抓过手提包在里面翻出了手机。我想:“是时候关掉手机了,她在进来之前就应该把手机关掉。”但是她在手提包中拿出手机之后却旁若无人的打起电话来,而且就在面试过程中间!






如果你确实想谈论自己的项目,那么就应询问面试官:“我觉得最近的某某项目能充分体现我的能力,我能不能用 10分钟的时间来描述一下具体情况?”这样就会给面试官空间来调整面试过程,由此也避免毫无征兆就让面试离题万里。


有时我会问一个答案可以很简练的问题,例如:“在你的那个成功项目中总共有多少人参与?”但应聘者往往会就此打开话匣:“恩,张三参与了这个项目,他负责 UI部分,当然我也会给他一些指导。李四也在项目中,她在宾州远程工作,负责后端服务器。两年之后我们又有新人王五加入……”



当然如果能简练的回答问题,然后征询意见之后再展开论述那就更好了:“在我接手项目时有三个人,但当我离开项目时人数已经增加到 12 人。我可以讲一下各人在项目中的具体分工吗?”


人们有时候会为衣着犯愁。但是最重要的是要让自己感觉舒适。如果需要具体的建议,那么我建议穿衬衫甚至T恤衫。对于某些公司(例如 Google),西装革履显然是太隆重了。

这条建议不必太看中,因为面试官不会管应聘者穿什么。最好应该询问人事招聘部门穿什么合适,因为不同国家有不同习俗,就算美国东海岸和西海岸的公司着装文化也会有差别。像 Google 这样的公司在着装方面更加随意,因此如果你穿着“三件套”的经典西服去 Google 面试,考官可能会有异样的感觉。因此如果你真的具备软件工程的本领,穿什么其实并不重要。某个应聘者曾经穿着皱巴巴脏兮兮的T恤就跑来面试,他的T恤衫上还有着许多破洞。但最后他还是拿到了录取通知(当然我绝不建议如此穿着)。



以前我还在微软的时候,我们通常会为应聘者准备一些饮料,某位暂称其为 Jeff 的应聘者要了一听百事可乐。我们走进面试房间后,他就在桌前坐下了。接下来我们简要的谈了谈他的工作经历,然后他开始在白板上解答编程问题,此时他还没有打开他的可乐。




我们花了 5 分钟的时间用纸巾来清理现场(虽然我的书本自那天之后都粘页了,而墙壁也不再是干净的了)。




星期六, 十月 21, 2006




